Cheng Zhang (张铖)| SciFi Lab| Cornell


Cheng Zhang is an Assistant Professor in Information Science and Computer Science (Field Member) at Cornell University, where he directs the Smart Computer Interfaces for Future Interaction (SciFi) Lab. He received his Ph.D. in computer science at Ubicomp Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he was advised by Dr. Gregory Abowd (CS) and Dr.Omer Inan(ECE).

His current research interest lies in developing AI-powered sensing solutions for wearables to interpret human behavior in everyday activities. This involves: (1) Creating low-power, minimally intrusive, and privacy-conscious wearable sensing solutions to collect high-quality human behavior data in the wild. (2). Designing customized AI algorithms to understand human behaviors in real-world settings. (3). Developing downstream applications to support users when needed, in high-impact areas such as accessibility and health.

His work was recognized by NSF CAREER Award, Ubicomp 10-year Impact Award and several best paper awards. It is regularly covered by global media outlets including BBC, Forbes, Engadget, Fast Company, CNET, Gizmodo, New Scientist, and Mashable.

Recent Professional Activities:
Steering Committee (Co-)Chair: ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC) (24-now)
Steering Committee: ACM international joint conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing(Ubicomp) (24-now)
Technical Program Committee (Co-)Chair: ISWC’23, Ubicomp’24
Associate Chair/ Associate Editor: IMWUT(19-now), CHI(20,23,24,25)


Sep 26, 2024 :tada: SonicID and ActSonic are both accepted with minor revision to IMWUT. Smart glasses now can understand you activiites in the wild and know who you are with just 2 mic+speakers.
Sep 20, 2024 :tada: Ring-A-Pose is accepted with minor revision to IMWUT. The future of smart ring sensing.
Sep 12, 2024 Talked to WIRED on the potential privacy challenge for the future of wearables.
Sep 09, 2024 :smile: PhD Students Ruidong Zhang and Ke Li in my lab were featured by Cornell Chronicle on their Qualcomm Fellowship and highlighed as Cornell Graduate Student Spotlights.
Sep 01, 2024 :tada: We received a generous donation for our research on developing AI-powered wearables for Parkinson’s disease management, in collaboration with Dr. Harini Sarva and Dr. Hwai Ooi at Weill Cornell Medicine.
Jun 30, 2024 :tada: SeamPose is accepted to UIST’24.
Jun 28, 2024 :tada: MunchSonic and EchoGuide are conditionally accepted to ISWC’24.
May 17, 2024 :trophy: IPSN’24 paper Beyond-Voice, received Best Poster Award for the accompanying poster presentation at IPSN’24. Congrats to the leading PhD student Yin Li (Advised by Rajalakshmi) and co-authors.
Apr 27, 2024 :trophy: :smile: Proud Advisor Moment: Two Cornell IS PhD students: Ruidong Zhang and Ke Li from SciFi Lab won the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship 2024. This will support their research in developing AI-powered wearables to assist individuals with speech impairments, enhancing their communication experience during daily activities.
Apr 10, 2024 :tada: GazeTrak(MobiCom’24) and EyeEcho(CHI’24) were reported by media outlets such as New Scientist, Forbes, Cornell Chronicle, Hackster, New Atlas, Tech Xplore, Inceptive Mind
Apr 02, 2024 :tada: EchoWrist(CHI’24) was covered by Cornell Chronicle, Hackster, Tech Explore, Tech Times
Feb 01, 2024 :smile: Thanks to Kristof and Kai for leading ISWC in the past few years. Honored to (co-)chair the ISWC Steering Committee with Bo Zhou for the coming years. Pls ping me if you have any idea on ISWC :raised_hands:
Nov 22, 2023 :tada: PoseSonic IMWUT’23 was covered by Cornell Chronicle, Engadget, Hackster, Tech Explorist.
Oct 17, 2023 :trophy: HPSpeech received ISWC’23 Best Paper Honorable Mention award (also the highest review score among all submissions).
Oct 17, 2023 :trophy: Received Ubicomp 10-year Impact Award at Ubicomp/ISWC’23.
Aug 15, 2023 :smile: Glad to serve as Program Committee(PC) (Co-)Chair with Jorge Goncalves and Sarah Clinch for Ubicomp’24 in Australia.
Apr 15, 2023 :tada: EchoSpeech CHI’23 was covered by Fast Company, Engadget, PopularScience, Cornell Chronicle, NeuroScience News, Hackster, NewsAtlas, TechXplore,Interesting Engineering.
Feb 01, 2023 :trophy: Honored to receive NSF CAREER Award to continue developing AI-powered wearables to understand human behavios in the wild :smile:.
Jan 01, 2023 :smile: Honored to serve as Technical Program Committee(TPC) (Co-)Chair with Bo and Bashmia for ISWC’23 in Cancun.
Nov 02, 2022 :tada: BodyTrak IMWUT’22 was covered by global media outlets, including CNET, Hackster, News Atlas, Interesting Engineering,Cornell Chronicle.